Seiko Scale Divisions


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LabX member since August 2007

Seiko Scale Divisions


0 Active Listings

LabX member since August 2007

    0 Listings found for Seiko Scale Divisions

    LabX member since August 2007

    Located in Canada

    Shipping Policy

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    Return Policy

    SHIPPING S&H extra ...enables our very generous 5 year extendable Warranty.OR FREE if stated in ad. For offshore from North America please contact us for further shipping details. NOTE: US customers may be shipped from within the US when possible. We may also ship from HK to suit. Taxes of course are extra so please wait for your invoice. please allow 5-10 days for normal shipping and handling from the date payment clears. 7 day returns accepted 100%. Manufacturers WARRANTIES of 1 year will be extended to 5 years at the end of each period.


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