AIR Analytical Instrument Recycle, Inc

0 Active Listings

LabX member since July 2001

AIR Analytical Instrument Recycle, Inc

0 Active Listings

LabX member since July 2001

    0 Listings found for AIR Analytical Instrument Recycle, Inc
    Analytical Instrument Recycle – providing quality for science. We sell quality reconditioned laboratory instruments and used lab equipment. Our reconditioned instrument systems include AA, GC, GC/MS, IC, HPLC, LC, Purge & Trap and ICP. Used lab equipment includes benches, hoods, glassware, baths, ovens, balances and a wide variety of other instruments and equipment.

    LabX member since July 2001

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    No payment required prior to delivery.(with-in US) Packing and shipping charges will be added.

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