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LabX member since January 2020
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LabX member since January 2020
LabX member since January 2020
All Goods shall be suitably packed in Bio-Rad's standard shipment packaging, marked, and shipped in accordance with Bio-Rad’s applicable specifications (or if no specifications are provided, in accordance with reasonable commercial practices) using a carrier of Bio-Rad’s choice. Goods may be shipped, depending on lead time and availability, in installments. Each installment shall be invoiced and considered a separate sale. Unless otherwise agreed, Buyer shall clear any imported Goods at the point of import and pay all relevant duties. Delivery terms (Incoterms 2010) shall be set forth in any Quotation.
View our full Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale at www.bio-rad.com/SaleTerms
For more information, contact your local Bio-Rad Customer Care office at www.bio-rad.com/Contact
All Bio-Rad products are guaranteed to meet the specifications listed in our catalog. Should a Bio-Rad branded product fail to meet specifications during its warranty period, it shall be repaired or replaced at Bio-Rad's discretion.
For more information, contact your local Bio-Rad Customer Care office at www.bio-rad.com/Contact
View our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale at www.bio-rad.com/SaleTerms
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