Austin, Texas, USA

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LabX member since January 2000

Austin, Texas, USA

0 Active Listings

LabX member since January 2000

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    LabX member since January 2000

    Located in Austin, Texas, USA

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    Full payment by credit card, check, cashier's check, or wire transfer within 3 business days of close of auction. State and local sales/use tax to be applied to all purchases unless a property executed exemption certificate is submitted. Property is for sale AS-IS, WHERE-IS, with no warranty or guarantee of any kind. Failure to inspect item does not relieve buyer of responsibility of payment and removal as stated terms. Buyer is responsible for all dismantling, rigging, crating, loading: hauling at own risk and expense. THE SELLER DOES NOT FURNISH PERSONNEL OR EQUIPMENT FOR LOADING! For additional questions or instructions contact: Shattuck LLC Please Email us at

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