A Technical Guide to Understanding Key Antenna Parameters: eBook

How to identify the right antenna for your testing application

The Radio Frequency (RF) environment is becoming increasingly crowded. New electronic products that leverage RF must operate alongside numerous potential inferences— from portable radio transmitters to mobile phones and others.

Product manufacturers may not know a priori whether new products will work at a given frequency or in a specific environment. Therefore, testing is more important than ever to define RF performance before products are developed and subjected to regulatory evaluation.

The coverage of a broadcast station and the technical quality of the service is measured by the received signal and field strength. Important local conditions and potential interferences can impact this signal, making testing not only a priority but a regulatory requirement. Many real-world factors can impact the performance of RF transmitters, receivers, and shielding devices. Understanding the key parameters of antennas and their role in testing applications is essential during product development and regulatory processes. The use of high-quality antennas and testing setups can help minimize the impact of interfering factors and accelerate the evaluation and approval processes.

This eBook explores antenna parameters in technical detail and offers resources to determine antenna factors, deviations, gain calculations, and other characteristics essential for selecting the right antenna solution for your needs.

Download the eBook to learn more!