Find online auctions and classified ads for Waters Alliance HPLC Systems and Lab equipment on LabX. Waters Alliance HPLC System is the flexible and reliable workhorse that meets your fundamental HPLC separation requirements. Look for models 2690, 2695, 2790, 2795, 2996.
Ease of Use, Ease of Science, Ease of Mind
The Alliance® HPLC System is the flexible and reliable workhorse that meets your fundamental HPLC separation requirements. The system has been continually expanded and perfected to accommodate an enormous range of real-world analytical challenges.
The Alliance HPLC System meets the rigorous requirements of timely and predictable routine analyses in addition to the performance standards of new-product research and development. Alliance systems and columns are manufactured to a rigid set of performance specifications, allowing you to confidently transfer a method between instruments and still get consistent results, unit-to-unit and lab-to-lab.
Whether your lab analyzes samples in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food safety, environmental, or quality control arenas, the Alliance HPLC system offers you a field-proven solution. It offers:
Also available:
Alliance HPLC Dissolution
Alliance HPLC High Throughput
Alliance HPLC Bioseparations
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