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Raman spectrometer

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21 Listings found for Raman spectrometer
HORIBA LabRAM Odyssey Confocal Raman Imaging & High-Resolution Spectrometer
HORIBA LabRAM Odyssey Confocal Raman Imaging & High-Resolution Spectrometer
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Thermo Scientific™ DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer
Thermo Scientific™ DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer
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Wasatch Photonics Raman 785 ER Compact Spectrometer 785-C-ER2-S-25 - 3373992
Wasatch Photonics Raman 785 ER Compact Spectrometer 785-C-ER2-S-25 - 3373992
$12,500.00 USD
Agilent Vaya Handheld Raman Spectrometer
Agilent Vaya Handheld Raman Spectrometer
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Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Vaya Handheld Raman Spectrometer
Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Vaya Handheld Raman Spectrometer
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Advantage 1064 Raman Spectrometer from DeltaNu
Advantage 1064 Raman Spectrometer from DeltaNu
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Thermo Scientific Nicolet NXR 9650 Raman Spectrometer with NXR FT-Raman Module
Thermo Scientific Nicolet NXR 9650 Raman Spectrometer with NXR FT-Raman Module
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HORIBA New MacroRAM Raman spectrometer
HORIBA New MacroRAM Raman spectrometer
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Thermo Nicolet Nexus 470 FTIR with NXR FT-Raman Spectrometer
Thermo Nicolet Nexus 470 FTIR with NXR FT-Raman Spectrometer
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Jobin Yvon Horiba LabRam n 4/59 HR RAMAN Spectrometer- 3 Lasers
Jobin Yvon Horiba LabRam n 4/59 HR RAMAN Spectrometer- 3 Lasers
$7,699.00 USD
Advantage 785  Near-Infrared Raman Spectrometer
Advantage 785 Near-Infrared Raman Spectrometer
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SciAps ReportR™ Handheld Raman Spectrometer
SciAps ReportR™ Handheld Raman Spectrometer
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Foster + Freeman Foram 685-2  Forensic Raman Spectrometer w/ PC & Software
Not Specified
Foster + Freeman Foram 685-2 Forensic Raman Spectrometer w/ PC & Software
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Instec Cryostage HCS622V for Photon Systems Mini PL 5.0 Raman Spectrometer Temperature range  -190C to 600C (3805)
Instec Cryostage HCS622V for Photon Systems Mini PL 5.0 Raman Spectrometer Temperature range -190C to 600C (3805)
$7,950.00 USD
Bruker Optik MultiRam FT-RAMAN Research Spectrometer with 1064nm Nd:YAG laser source (4477)
Bruker Optik MultiRam FT-RAMAN Research Spectrometer with 1064nm Nd:YAG laser source (4477)
$39,500.00 USD
Photon Systems Mini PL 5.0ev (248.6nm) Raman Spectrometer with UV laser.  Not including cryostage. (4149)
Photon Systems Mini PL 5.0ev (248.6nm) Raman Spectrometer with UV laser. Not including cryostage. (4149)
$18,500.00 USD
Wearable Raman Sensors Spectral Range 300-2400 cm-1 High Resolution Light Weight
Wearable Raman Sensors Spectral Range 300-2400 cm-1 High Resolution Light Weight
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Renishaw Structural & Chemical Analyzer Model SCA SEM Raman SpectrometerLab
Renishaw Structural & Chemical Analyzer Model SCA SEM Raman SpectrometerLab
£18,210.00 GBP
HORIBA XploRA Nano (AFM-Raman)
HORIBA XploRA Nano (AFM-Raman)
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HORIBA XploRA Plus multi-sample, multi-user Raman microscope
HORIBA XploRA Plus multi-sample, multi-user Raman microscope
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HORIBA LabRAM Soleil™ Raman Microscope
HORIBA LabRAM Soleil™ Raman Microscope
Please Inquire

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