Find online auctions and classified ads for new and used Pelton Crane Sterilizer on LabX.

Pelton Crane Sterilizer

Just like the larger Delta model, the XL8 is a high-tech, user-friendly autoclave unit that features brightly-lit, easily-read touch panel graphics to enhance visibility and a variety of computer controls to ensure accuracy and flexibility.             

Other features include interior trays designed to prevent operator errors, a vented cover (which allows heat dissipation to prolong sterilizer life), and a metal cover that is removable from the front of the sterilizer to allow for easy maintenance and service. Among the most attractive user-access features are the automatic control settings, allowing users to simply select settings optimal for their sterilization needs and walk away, only needing to return to collect instruments.

2 Listings found for Pelton Crane Sterilizer