Shop a wide selection of Leica Versa 200 Slide Autoloaders on LabX. Find new and used pricing to meet your lab needs. Choose from top brands in our marketplace.

Leica Versa 200 Slide Autoloader

Complex research underpins innovation in treatments to overcome disease. The Leica Biosystems Aperio VERSA is a robust, versatile digital pathology scanner with superior image quality and single click operation. Designed for the most demanding research facilities, the Aperio VERSA incorporates brightfield, fluorescent and FISH whole slide imaging in a single system, providing optimal resolution for investigation of every slide in your facility. Comprehensive functionality and flexibility are perfectly balanced with an intuitive interface and ease-of-use. The Aperio VERSA brings the power and the usability required to deliver results.

1 Listings found for Leica Versa 200 Slide Autoloader