New and used JEOL JSM-7001F's for sale on LabX. Purchase and get quotes on the products you need for your lab. Choose from a variety of vendors.
The JSM-7001F analytical thermal field emission SEM is the ideal platform for demanding analytical applications as well as those requiring high resolution and ease-of-use. The JSM-7001F has a large, 5-axis, fully eucentric, motorized, automated specimen stage, a one-action specimen exchange airlock, small probe diameter even at large probe current and low voltage, and expandability with ideal geometry for EDS, WDS, EBSP, and CL. The specimen chamber handles specimens up to 200mm in diameter.
A new Windows® XP based computer interface allows for unprecedented ease of operation including function buttons that switch operation modes quickly and easily. Up to four live images can be simultaneously viewed, including signal mixing, and a single scan can record and store all four images at once.
The JSM-7001F SEM also supports full integration of EDS, WDS, e-beam lithography, and an image database. Stage automation is standard with a 5-axis computer control of X, Y, Z Tilt and eucentric rotation.
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