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Dionex ASE 200
Extractions that normally take hours can be done in minutes using Accelerated Solvent Extraction System (ASE®). Compared to techniques like Soxhlet and sonication, ASE generates results in a fraction of the time. In addition to speed, ASE reduces solvent consumption by up to 90%. Time is of the essence in most analytical laboratories. By using conventional liquid solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures, ASE increases the efficiency of the extraction process. Increased temperature accelerates the extraction kinetics, and elevated pressure keeps the solvent below its boiling point, thus enabling safe and rapid extractions. When an extraction takes only 15 min to complete, you can get to the data faster than ever before. Although ASE uses the same aqueous and organic solvents as traditional extraction methods, it uses them more efficiently. Therefore, you use less solvent volume per sample and instant savings for your operation. A typical ASE extraction is done using only 15-45 MLS of solvent.