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Caliper LabChip

The LabChip GXII is a complete solution for consistent and precise analysis of protein samples, and is an ideal instrument for protein research users. Whether it is quantitating monoclonal antibody titers, optimizing protein expression conditions, or rapidly screening IgG N-glycan profiles, the LabChip GXII is the perfect benchtop tool to accelerate your research and meet your goals. Leveraging microfluidics technology the LabChip GXII eliminates the need to handle time consuming SDS page gels, and provides superior results for less time and money. When speed, accuracy and ease-of-use are paramount, the LabChip GXII is the perfect solution. With sample acquisition time under 40 seconds the instrument can thoroughly analyze 96 protein samples in less than an hour, virtually eliminating throughput bottlenecks and improving efficiency. In addition to the instrument, the complete system also includes the LabChip GX software for data analysis. This advanced data management suite allows users to visualize results via an electropherogram or virtual gel view. Additionally it provides data in tabular form, which can then be analyzed or easily exported into a spreadsheet format.
14 Listings found for Caliper LabChip

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