New and used BMG LABTECH SPECTROstar Nano's for sale on LabX. Purchase and get quotes on the products you need for your lab. Choose from a variety of vendors.


The SPECTROstar Nano represents a revolution in absorbance measurement instrumentation with the flexibility to perform assays quickly and easily in both microplates or via the built-in cuvette port. Using a spectrometer, this new absorbance microplate reader captures a full UV-Visible spectrum (220 to 1000 nm) in less than 1 sec/well and measures sample volumes down to 2 µL. The speed of the spectrometer, simple push button operation, and the capacity to design and save individual assay protocols give users an unmatched flexibility to optimize settings for all absorbance experiments.
7 Listings found for BMG LABTECH SPECTROstar Nano

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