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Agilent Technologies Cary 630

The Agilent Technologies Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer is a compact and highly efficient instrument for fast and accurate infrared analysis. Due to its robust design and precise performance, this spectrometer suits material science, chemical analysis, and quality control applications. The Cary 630 uses Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) technology, which offers a spectral range from 7,000 cm^-1 to 350 cm^-1, allowing it to handle various samples from organic compounds to inorganic minerals. It features a resolution of 2 cm^-1, providing flexibility in balancing speed and spectral quality. One of the standout features of the Cary 630 is its modularity. It can be equipped with different sampling accessories, such as ATR, transmission, and diffuse reflectance, which can be swapped in seconds without tools. This enables rapid changes between various types of analyses and supports high-throughput environments. The system's software is user-friendly designed for both expert users and beginners, offering intuitive data collection, analysis, and reporting tools. The Cary 630's small footprint makes it ideal for laboratories with limited space, yet it does not compromise on performance, delivering reliable and reproducible results with minimal sample preparation.

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