Agilent Signal Generators provide unmatched performance in phase noise, output power, ACPR, EVM and bandwith. Find online auctions and classified ads for Agilent products and more on the LabX Marketplace. Browse ads and contact the seller directly or request a quote for more details. Buy and Sell Agilent Equipment and Accessories today on LabX!
The ESA-L spectrum analyzers are basic, low cost analyzers with minimal options. They are reliable analyzers and offer cable TV specific options along with 75 ohm or 50 ohm tacking generators, or 75 ohm input.
The customers who have loved the ESA-L for years, or are considering it for a first time purchase will benefit from the newer analyzers in Agilent’s portfolio below.
Meet your test requirements with the widest selection of signal generators with the best performance in every class, whether you need a traceable, metrology-grade solution or cost-effective basic signal generation
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