Bruker Optics, part of the Bruker Corporation is the leading manufacturer and worldwide supplier of Fourier Transform Infrared, Near Infrared and Raman spectrometers for various industries and applications. Bruker entered the field of FT-IR spectroscopy in 1974. The early instruments set new standards in research FT-IR with evacuable optics, high resolution and automatic range change. Since then, the product line has been continuously expanding with instruments suitable for both analytical and research applications with exceptional performance characteristics. Today, Bruker Optics offers FT-IR, NIR, Raman, TD-NMR, TeraHertz spectrometers and imaging spectrographs for various markets and applications. Bruker Optics has R&D and manufacturing centers in Ettlingen, Germany and The Woodlands, USA, technical support centers and sales offices throughout Europe, North and South America and Asia.
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