BD Biosciences

BD Biosciences is a world leader in bringing innovative tools to research and clinical laboratories in basic research, drug discovery and development, biopharmaceutical production, and disease management.    At BD Biosciences, we innovate to keep you in a perpetual state of the art, because when we do, your work goes more smoothly, clearing the way to faster discovery.

71 Listings found for BD Biosciences
BD Accuri C6 Plus Flow Cytometer
BD Accuri C6 Plus Flow Cytometer
$10,000.00 USD
BD Biosciences FACS Aria Cell Sorter
BD Biosciences FACS Aria Cell Sorter
$2,000.00 USD
BD FACSCalibur System Flow Cytometer Cell Sorter System Lab
BD FACSCalibur System Flow Cytometer Cell Sorter System Lab
£1,175.00 GBP
BD FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer System Lab
BD FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer System Lab
£1,000.00 GBP
BD Becton Dickinson LSR II Flow Cytometer Lab
BD Becton Dickinson LSR II Flow Cytometer Lab
£10,470.00 GBP
BD FACSAria - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSAria - Certified with Warranty
Please Inquire
BD FACSAria IIU SORP - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSAria IIU SORP - Certified with Warranty
Please Inquire
FACSCalibur BD Biosciences Flow Cytometer 2009 LASER
FACSCalibur BD Biosciences Flow Cytometer 2009 LASER
Please Inquire
BD FACSCalibur - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSCalibur - Certified with Warranty
Please Inquire
BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
Please Inquire
2015 BD FACSCanto II with 3 lasers - Certified with Warranty
2015 BD FACSCanto II with 3 lasers - Certified with Warranty
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BD FACSCanto l - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSCanto l - Certified with Warranty
Please Inquire
2011 BD FACSAria III 3 Laser - Certified with Warranty
2011 BD FACSAria III 3 Laser - Certified with Warranty
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Beckton Dickinson FACSCalibur - Certified with Warranty
Beckton Dickinson FACSCalibur - Certified with Warranty
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BD FACSAria IIu Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSAria IIu Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
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BD FACSCanto II Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSCanto II Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
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BD FACSAria II Cell Sorter - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSAria II Cell Sorter - Certified with Warranty
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Service and Repairs for BD Accuri C6 Instruments
Not Specified
Service and Repairs for BD Accuri C6 Instruments
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BD LSRFortessa X-20 - 4 laser -Certified with Warranty
BD LSRFortessa X-20 - 4 laser -Certified with Warranty
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BD Facscanto II
BD Facscanto II
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The BD FACSymphony A5 Cell Analyzer- Certified with warranty
The BD FACSymphony A5 Cell Analyzer- Certified with warranty
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BD LSRFortessa- 3 Laser (R/B/V) with HTS- Certified with Warranty
BD LSRFortessa- 3 Laser (R/B/V) with HTS- Certified with Warranty
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BD FACSMelody 3 Lasers 9 Colors - Certified with Warranty
BD FACSMelody 3 Lasers 9 Colors - Certified with Warranty
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WANTED: FACSAria ll SORP Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
WANTED: FACSAria ll SORP Flow Cytometer - Certified with Warranty
Please Inquire
BD Biosciences LSRFortessa X-20 Cell Analyzer With FACSFlow Supply System
BD Biosciences LSRFortessa X-20 Cell Analyzer With FACSFlow Supply System
Please Inquire

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