Auction Dates:
Lots Open: Monday, January 16th
Lots Close: Wednesday, January 18th & Thursday, January 19th
State of The Art Lab Equipment Formerly of Cedilla Therapeutics
Featured Equipment:
- 2020 Waters Acquity Rda BioAccord LC/MS System
- Malvern Mastersizer 3000 Particle Size Analyzer
- 2020 Bio-Rad CFX96 Real-Time PCR System
- Agilent Bravo Liquid Handling Platform
- 2018 GE AKTApure FPLC System
- 2015 GEA Niro Panda Plus 2000 Microfluidizer
- 2019 Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System
- (2) Sartorius Incucyte S3 Cell Imager w/ Double Stack Incubator
- (10) 2018 Thermo 1300 Series A2 4' Biological Safety Cabinets
- (5) 2020 Thermo HERAcell Vios 160i Double Stack CO2 Incubator
- (3) Thermo TSX Series -80C Ultra Low Temp Freezer
- (4) Waters e2695 Separations Module
- And Much More!
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